About Us

About Us

The need for ecological and economically effective processing of industrial waste with high metal contents, which disposal represent a long-term unsolved ecological burden in Slovakia and the surrounding countries, inspired the establishing of the Research Institute of Industrial Metals.

The institute’s main foundation is the outcome of many years of research and development activities devoted to the recycling of waste with a high zinc content in the manufacturing of zinc, a basic commodity used in the chemical, pharmaceutical, and rubber sectors.

The research institute builds on the long-term cooperation of the development team of SlovZink, j.s.c. with academic and industrial workplaces in Slovakia (TUKE, STU) and abroad.

Contact information

Research Institute of Industrial Metals (RIIM) Inc.

Dúbravská cesta 2, Bratislava 841 04
Research & Development Department 
Továrenská 545, Košeca 018 64

ID no.: 47497602
TIN no.: 2023928995